A Very Special Gift… The Perfumed Dandy’s Twelve Days Before Christmas

My Dear Seasonal Elves

As The Dandy mentioned just yesterday, I am rather fond, perhaps too fond in fact, of all things festive.

Well, as part of my ‘spreading the joy‘ at this special time of year, I have decided to distribute a dozen tantalizing trinkets, brilliant baubles if you like, ahead of The Big Day.

So, every afternoon or evening (The Dandy doesn’t function especially well, particularly in the present circumstances, until after lunch) I shall be posting a choice perfumed piece on some of the very finest fragrances.

Six have have been chosen by you, five by me and an unspeakably appropriate one returns from the archives.

All selected on the basis of their suitability for the current celebrations!

Some might be suitable as gift selections, others as little (or quite large) personal treats if you find yourself so inclined after the ardours of preparation.

All of which takes us up to the Eve itself.

On which matter, don’t forget that you get to choose what The Dandy will be wearing on 25th itself.

Just visit The Perfumed Dandy’s Yuletide Hit Parade to cast your astonishingly generous twelve votes!

Now, who can name all of those reindeer?

Prancer, dancer, vixen, blixen…. oh heavens I was never much good at that memorising thing!

Better still, I wonder if you can guess which perfumed delights might be in store…

… he knows, but he’s not telling!

Yours ever

The Perfumed Dandy.

The Perfumed Dandy


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12 responses to “A Very Special Gift… The Perfumed Dandy’s Twelve Days Before Christmas

  1. Lilybelle

    That’s an adorable post, Mr. Dandy. I like your spirit! 🙂

    • Dearest Lily
      Why thank you!
      Now the tree is up (a sunflower atop it until I can find a suitable angel), the round of lunches and parties has seriously began and I have Carols at the Chapel Royal Hampton Court to look forward to next Tuesday!
      The spirit of the season is most definitely upon me.
      Yours ever
      The Perfumed Dandy

  2. a special gift? I like the reindeer- I’d love a golden reindeer in my yard.
    And of course all other gifts are welcome also.

  3. And on Christmas day I recommend Lutens Five o’clock au gigembre- it blends in perfectly with the tea, and all the spicy scents from Christmas puddings and mince pies. Yum!!

  4. wonderful.

    i need this baby cham, genuinely loving bubbleiciousness, this pop pop infectiousness, to make my japanese chrimbo much more vivid.

    Arigato, O-Dandy xxxx

  5. Miss Misty

    I adore the picture of Santa showing us his backside 🙂

    You can almost hear him giggle “hehe, I am in the loop…should consider making that Mr. Dandy an official member of the Christmas elves staff…”

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